Chuck Morse Slams Chris Sununu's Endorsement of Kelly Ayotte

August 7, 2024

Concord, NH – Gubernatorial candidate Chuck Morse issued a statement today in response to Chris Sununu endorsing Kelly Ayotte:

"Governor Chris Sununu's endorsement of Kelly Ayotte - referencing many of the achievements I led on - is comical and comes as little surprise to those familiar with their shared political stances."

"New Hampshire Republicans know who has been in the trenches working for them and who has been in the boardroom working for herself.  I think they will put as much stock into this endorsement as they did in the Governor's endorsement of Nikki Haley."

"Chris Sununu and I disagreed when he shut down our state and forced Granite State kids to wear masks. We disagreed when he attacked President Trump and threw conservatives under the bus just like Kelly did in 2016. And both Sununu and Ayotte have refused to protect women's bathrooms, locker rooms, and private spaces from men."

"We disagree today as to who should be the next Governor. I’d take my track record of ideas, views, and accomplishments over Chris Sununu’s any day."
