Always Fighting
for the #603Way

I've had the honor of serving our Granite State as the longest-serving Senate President in our state's history. But more importantly, I am a husband, father, and successful small business owner. I championed the passage of constitutional carry, education freedom accounts, and ensured that big government stayed out of the way for small businesses. I believe New Hampshire's best days are ahead, and I am running for governor to keep us on the right track forward.

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Chuck Morse's Latest Press Release:

Morse Campaign Releases first ad "Trust"

July 24, 2024

Salem, NH - Today, former Senate President and current gubernatorial candidate Chuck Morse released his first ad "Trust" highlighting his conservative record in contrast to former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte's abandonment of President Trump and Republican principles:

"In New Hampshire, trust is earned through delivering tangible results as a leader," stated Chuck Morse. "It's what I did as Senate President and how I'll lead as Governor."

Morse continued, "Kelly Ayotte went to Washington as a conservative but returned as the third most liberal Republican in the U.S. Senate. Her lack of loyalty to our conservative cause cost us a Senate seat to Maggie Hassan."

"While Kelly Ayotte was making big bucks on corporate boards, I was delivering on pivotal policy pieces such as constitutional carry, education freedom accounts, and working tirelessly to get conservatives elected here in New Hampshire."

"The stakes are too high for Granite Staters to trust someone who's not only turned her back on our Presidential nominee but also the principles of our Republican Party," Morse added.

"This ad exemplifies why Republican voters don't trust Kelly Ayotte and why we will win this fall," concluded Morse.

To view the “Trust" video, please click here

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